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Talon's behavior can be changed by changing the value of settings within a .talon file inside a settings(): block.

# Example talon file
    # Enable the Talon mode indicator
    user.mode_indicator_show = true

Talon settings can be applied from any .talon file in the user directory, regardless of the filename or location.


If the same setting is defined multiple times, Talon will use the setting value in the .talon file with the most specific context match.

Community Settings

SettingExample ValueDescription
user.file_manager_auto_show_pickersfalseIf true, automatically show the picker GUI when the file manager has focus
user.help_max_command_lines_per_page50Set the number of command lines to display per help page
user.help_max_contexts_per_page20Set the number of contexts to display per help page
user.mouse_continuous_scroll_amount80Set the scroll amount for continuous scroll/gaze scroll
user.mouse_enable_pop_stops_scrolltrueIf true, stop continuous scroll/gaze scroll with a pop
user.mouse_enable_pop_click1Choose how pop click should work in 'control mouse' mode (0 = off, 1 = on with eyetracker but not zoom mouse mode, 2 = on but not with zoom mouse mode)
user.mouse_enable_hiss_scrollfalseIf true, use a hissing noise to scroll continuously
user.mouse_hide_mouse_guifalseIf true, hide the continuous scroll/gaze scroll GUI
user.mouse_wake_hides_cursorfalseIf true, hide the cursor when enabling zoom mouse
user.mouse_wheel_down_amount120Set the amount to scroll up/down
user.mouse_wheel_horizontal_amount40Set the amount to scroll left/right
user.grids_put_one_bottom_lefttrueIf true, start mouse grid numbering on the bottom left (vs. top left)
user.command_history_display10Set the default number of command history lines to display
user.command_history_size50Set the total number of command history lines to display
user.mode_indicator_showfalseEnable the mode indicator
user.mode_indicator_x1X Position for the mode indicator when it is enabled
user.mode_indicator_y0Y Position for the mode indicator when it is enabled
user.listening_timeout_minutes3Puts Talon into sleep mode if no commands are spoken for a defined period of time.

Core Talon Settings

SettingExample ValueDescription
imgui.scale1.5Adjust the scale of the imgui windows
imgui.dark_modefalseIf true enable dark mode for talon imgui menus (used for help menus in community)
insert_wait0Increase this if characters seem to be jumbled in a specific app when typing whole sentences. Default is 0.
key_hold16Increase this if you're playing a game and some keys aren't registering at all. You should probably increase it in 16ms increments, e.g. set it to 16ms or 32ms.
key_wait1Increase this if modifier keys are getting dropped or if key presses are misbehaving even with the other two settings (insert_wait and key_hold) tuned. key_wait should be the last resort because it results in the slowest overall keypress rate. Default is 1.0 in milliseconds.
speech.engineDetermines which speech engine talon uses to recognize input. This is useful for configuring dictation mode to use a different speech engine; for example, 'webspeech'.
speech.timeoutThis determines how long a pause Talon waits for before deciding you've finished speaking and interpreting what you've just said as a sequence of commands. This parameter is generally very important; for example, it determines the amount of time you can pause between saying 'phrase' and the following phrase. It is measured in seconds; the default is 0.300, i.e. 300 milliseconds.

To add your own additional custom settings for changing Talon behavior, see the settings customization page